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Probably the only Geordie software company ever! These guys really did make some good games, they specialised in the sports area, but also made some other games as well. Most of their sports games are to do with athletics or football, they never really made any others.

Please contact me if you have any additional information about the company or its games!


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No screen shot yet for this game


Author: Unknown



A rip-off of Bug Eyes by Audiogenic and Bug Eyes II by Icon, this is the same game idea, with different levels and a different character. This is the most unorginal game you can think of. The graphics are great, but who cares if the game is not as original? The gameplay is not even the same as in the other games, it is more uncontrollable and annoying.

Wet Zone

No cover yet for this game
No screen shot yet for this game


Author: Unknown



Electron Only

Winter Olympiad 88

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No screen shot yet for this game


Author: Unknown



Their later attempt at a Winter Sports game, this one was a much better attempt, mainly because the range of sports that are done are much more adaptable to computer games. There is speed skating, two-man bob and a host of other events, the graphics are good, and the finger-tapping parts are kept spaced out and not too hard on the old finger muscles.

Winter Olympics

Winter Olympics box cover
No screen shot yet for this game


Author: Unknown



This is not too good, the graphics are up to the usual standard, but the events are very poor, and you have to work even harder at the keyboard than usual! Perhaps having a finger tapping system for this game, especially with skiing, was not a good idea.